This package is an excellent option if you need support with any aspect of the novel-writing process. I run one-hour sessions if you’d like to brainstorm your plot, learn how to show and not tell, develop your character arc, story, creativity or mindset, or world-building or setting.
How can One-to-One Mentoring help your writing?
Think of your manuscript as a car in a race. Each part of the car represents a component of storytelling. These drive your novel to your writing goal, the finishing line. My One-to-One Mentoring will help you fine-tune each part so you are the winner.

You have a rough idea of what to write but don't know how to get to the finish line. You’re stuck; your ideas have broken down beside the road. It could be the finer points that need firing up or a significant plot hole you feel you can't fill. I'm here to kickstart those ideas, show you the way, or offer the spare parts to get your novel on the way to the finish line.
The characters in your novel are like tyres. If they’re flat or the wrong type, they aren’t going to get you very far. With various techniques, I can help you inflate your characters to total capacity so they are fully rounded with enough tread to stop the story from skidding off the road.

The plot is the engine of your story and drives your novel forward. An old, overused engine might get you across the finish line, but you won’t be the first to cross it.
With my plot mentoring, we can finely tune your engine to get your story across the finish line with more efficiency, productivity, and faster.
Narrative Voice
Who is driving your story? If you're confused by first and third-person narration and where omniscient, limited or objective narration fits into the driving seat, this course is for you. It will help you choose which driver you want for your novel.

The style in which you write is unique and personal to you. Sleek and smooth, or big and bold. Your writing style is like the accessories you add to your car. It might turn heads, but are you adding too much? Unsuitable synonyms, over description, tone, or inconsistency, can pull the reader’s eyes away from the road and slow the pace of your novel, or worse, stop them from reading your story. With this session, I will help you balance all of these to keep your reader on track and invested in your story
Show Don't Tell
You will probably hear this a lot throughout your writing career. It’s possibly one of the more difficult aspects of writing to get right. The aim is to transport your reader’s mind into the story, allowing them to fully experience the characters’ emotions, actions and environment rather than the author’s description of the events and situations. This session will give you the roadmap to balance your showing and telling to get the most for the reader.

Each session is in depth and lasts for an hour. If you’d like a couple of sessions but can only do an hour, then I can give you the highlights of each session to help with your writing needs.
£30 per hour.
Find out more
If you'd like to know more about the sessions or to book, then please fill out the form or give me a call on 07973 841170